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Office of Finance

The Office of Finance Has Evolved. Are You Keeping Pace?

More than ever, the CFO role is that of strategic advisor to the business. Organizations and finance leadership face a rapidly evolving landscape of risk that includes supply chain disruption, regulatory requirements, volatile capital markets, economic uncertainty, and global instability.

Transforming finance for the future means creating a capability that can flex and respond to market forces with agility, strength, and certainty to mitigate risk and drive improved business performance. To accomplish this, you must adopt methodologies that enable financial scenario modeling to better understand how external forces may impact business performance.

Adopting new technologies and applications alone will not result in transformation. The temptation to “lift and shift” existing processes into new platforms often results in solutions that do not fulfill the promise of data analytics to improve business performance.

Enabling Financial and Operational Insight for Better Performance

Office of Finance Strategic Pillars
  • Corporate Performance Management (CPM)
  • Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
  • Supply Chain
  • Human Capital Management (HCM)
  • Data Strategy & Security
  • Business Intelligence
Process Optimization and Technology Adoption Solution Areas
  • Corporate Performance Management (CPM)
  • Financial Close Management
  • Financial Consolidation, Statutory & Management Reporting
  • Planning & Forecasting
  • Profitability & Cost Management
  • CFO Dashboard
Enterprise Resource Planning
  • Financials
  • Supply Chain
  • Human Capital Management
  • Ecommerce
  • Integration Strategy & Platform

Expertise in Your Industry

We deliver rich process design, process optimization, and technology to elevate the role of finance and maximize its value to the business. Our program approach across strategic pillars drives continuous improvement and derives value from technology adoption.


  • Supply Chain
  • Financial Consolidation & Reporting
  • Profitability & Cost Management
  • Capital Allocation & Planning
  • Human Capital Planning

Financial Services

  • Statutory & Management Reporting
  • Forecasting – Margin Modeling, Loan Officer Scorecard
  • Human Capital Planning
  • Departmental Expense Planning


  • Financial Consolidation & Reporting
  • Forecasting
  • Dealer Network Analysis & Profitability
  • Process Automation – Dealer Network Account Reconciliations

Wholesale Distribution

  • Financial Consolidation & Close Management
  • P&L - Plan and Forecast
  • Sales & Margin Scenario Modeling
  • Branch Operational Planning
  • Human Capital Planning
  • Capital Planning
  • Balance Sheet & Cash Flow
A business man talking to two women.

A Partner the CFO Can Count On

With support from our strategists and technology experts, we help CFOs solve difficult finance and business challenges.

  • Realize efficiency gains across financial business processes
  • Optimize the monthly close process and improve reporting quality
  • Automate processes to reduce non-productive human touches
  • Improve forecast accuracy and agility to identify and mitigate market-imposed risks
  • Move to continuous forecasting to enable timely decisions that improve margins, control costs, and drive profitability
  • Model scenarios
  • Improve visibility into customer and product profitability
  • Enhance visibility into cash flow drivers and liquidity improvement

Meet An  Expert

Carlos Fox

Carlos Fox

Carlos Fox leads Perficient’s office of finance practice and brings over 25 years of strategy and thought leadership experience to our clients. He helps senior management realize the value of digital finance, including cloud enterprise resource planning, corporate performance management, and advanced analytics solutions.
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