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B2B Commerce

Order Management System

As a manufacturer or distributor, it can be difficult to keep up with what products are coming and going, pricing and shipping, and where all your orders are in the fulfilment process. An order management system (OMS) is designed to integrate with all of your business channels to provide a global view of your inventory so you can know what orders are in progress, what items are being returned, and manage recurring orders as well.

Having this complete view of your fulfillment data will not only decrease the risk of backorders and stocking shortages, but can also determine the fastest and most cost-effective path to fulfillment. By consolidating data from every channel and fulfillment center, your business can maintain up-to-date inventory data and better enable drop-shipping, split shipments, and fulfillment from multiple locations. Not only does this reduce fulfillment costs and raise your bottom line, but your customers will appreciate the transparency of the ordering process and the ability to track their shipment along the way.

Watch the video above to learn more about the value of an OMS in B2B.

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